Does Initial Endoscopic Puncture Of Ureterocele provide A Definitive Treatment In All Children? Evaluation Of 47 cases
Gökhan Demirtaş1, Süleyman Arif Bostancı2
, Süleyman Tagcı1
, Derya Yayla1
, Bilge Karabulut1
, Tugrul Tiryaki1
1Ankara City Hospital, Children Hospital, Pediatric Urology Department, Ankara, TÜRKİYE
2Ankara City Hospital, Children Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Department, Ankara- TÜRKİYE
Keywords: Ureterocele, cystoscopic transurethral incision, urinary tract infection
The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of cystoscopic transurethral incision (CTUI) in the management of ureteroceles in children.
Forty-seven cases treated with transurethral incision (TUI) as the first line treatment between 2014- 2019 were retrospectively evaluated. A total of 47 (21 boys, 26 girls) patients 20 right, 22 left, 5 bilateral with 52 ureteroceles were included. Of these, 25/47 presented antenatally, while twenty-one had urinary tract infection at the time of presentation. The median follow-up was 44 months.
Twenty-six patients were associated with duplex system ureterocele (DSU), while twenty-one patients had single system ureterocele (SSU). Secondary surgery was performed in 65,3% of DSU and 28,6% of SSU.
Primary CTUI is a safe, minimally invasive procedure that is definitive in the majority of children presenting with an ureterocele that requires intervention. 71,4 % of SSU and 34,7 % DSU patients had no surgical intervention after TUI. Urinary infection rate decreased significantly after TUI.
Cite as: Gökhan Demirtaş, Süleyman Arif Bostancı, Süleyman Tagcı, Derya Yayla, Bilge Karabulut, Tugrul Tiryaki. Does initial endoscopic puncture of ureterocele provide a definitive treatment in all children? Evaluation of 47 cases. Coc Cer Derg/Turkish J Ped Surg 2022;36(2): 10-13. doi: 10.29228/JTAPS.53856