Turkish Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Sevgi Büyükbese Sarsu1, Mehmet Ergun Parmaksız1, Ramazan Uçak2

1Gaziantep Çocuk Hastanesi, Çocuk Cerrahisi Kliniği, Gaziantep
2Şişli Etfal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Patoloji Kliniği, İstanbul

Keywords: Breast tumor, phillodes tumor, partial mastectomy, adolescent


Cystosarcoma phylloides of the mammary gland is very rarely seen in all age groups, and even much more rarely during adolescency.

A 13-year-old Syrian girl consulted to our department with complaints of rapidly growing painless mass in her left breast for the previous 2 months. On physical examination, a solid, mobile compact mass with regular contours measuring nearly 10x6 which filled the upper, and lower outer quadrants of the left breast, and caused a prominent asymmetry was found. On breast ultrasonograms (US), a heterogenous hypoechoic superficial solid mass measuring 10.5x5.5 cm with lobulated contours in the left breast was detected. Laboratory test results were within normal limits. Under general anesthesia, skin, and subcutaneous incisions were made and the mass with lobulated contours which adhered to the surrounding tissues were totally excised together with the healthy peripheral mammary tissue. Postoperative complication was not encountered, and on histopathological evaluation cellular atypia together with stromal proliferation was consistent with benign phyllodes tumour. Any evidence of tumour was not detected on surgical margins, and tumour recurrence was not encountered up to the 1. year of the postoperative follow-up period.

In the differential diagnosis of the patients admitted with the indication of a breast mass, rarely seen cystosarcome phyllodes should be also taken into consideration In the treatment an extensive surgical excision encompassing the contours of the healthy mammary tissue, and also close follow-up of the patient regarding the development of recurrences are important issues.