A Case of Intestinal Perforation Due To Multiple Magnet Ingestion: Minimally invasive approach is possible
Beyza Kose Kusluk, Esra Ozcakir
, Sefer Tolga Okay
, Mete Kaya
University Of Health Sciences, Bursa Medical Faculty, Department Of Pediatric Surgery, Bursa, TURKEY
Keywords: Foreign body ingestion, magnet ingestion, minimally invasive approach
Ingestion of foreign bodies is a common problem in children, most of which pass spontaneously through the gastrointestinal tract. A single magnet is like other foreign bodies, but it is an emergency situation when ingested more than one or with metallic objects together. They can bind by dragging the loops due to the strong attraction force, eventually leading to serious complications such as ulceration, necrosis, fistula formation, perforation, intestinal obstruction, and volvulus in the intestinal wall. In this report, we aim to present a case with acute abdominal symptoms caused by many magnets ingestion in the review of the literature.
Cite as: Kose Kusluk B, Ozcakir E, Okay ST, Kaya M. A case of intestinal perforation due to multiple magnet ingestion: Minimally invasive approach is possible. Coc Cer Derg/Turkish J Ped Surg 2022;36(1): 62-65. . doi: 10.29228/JTAPS. 53681