A Rare Complication of Vesicoamniotic Shunt Dislodgement in a Newborn With Fetal Obstructive Uropathy; Protruding Mesenteric Mass
Bilge Türedi Sezer1, Mehmet Uğur Yılmaz1
, Fatih Çelik2
, Mehmet Emin Balkan1
, Nizamettin Kılıç1
1Uludag University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology, Bursa -TÜRKİYE
2Uludag University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bursa -TÜRKİYE
Keywords: Antenatal hydroureteronephrosis, Dislocation, Vesicoamniotic shunt
Posterior urethral valve is the most frequently seen congenital obstructive uropathy in male neonates with antenatal hydronephrosis. We aim to present a rare complication of antenatal vesicoamniotic shunt (VAS) dislodgement in a male neonate with antenatal bilateral hydroureteronephrosis and megacystitis.
Thirty three weeks-old male neonate who has been followed for antenatal bilateral hydronephrosis and olygohydramniosis, delivered by an urgent cesarean section at 33 weeks due to anhydramniosis. He had a history of vesicoamniotic shunt placement at 27th week of gestation for prenatal diagnosis of obstructive uropathy. A protruding abdominal mass was detected after birth and urgent laparotomy was performed.
Vesicoamniotic shunting is preferred to protect upper urinary tract from effects of bladder outlet obstruction and help respiratory development. The method has some probable maternal and fetal complications. It should be kept in mind that abdominal organ prolapse can be seen with dislocation of shunt and patient may need a laparotomy soon after birth.
Cite as: Sezer BT, Yılmaz MU, Çelik F, Balkan ME, Kılıç N. A rare complication of vesicoamniotic shunt dislodgement in a newborn with fetal obstructive uropathy; protruding mesenteric mass. Coc Cer Derg/Turkish J Ped Surg 2023;37(2): 75-. doi: 10.29228/JTAPS.66601