Characteristics of children 0-6 aged and families showing foreign body aspiration
, Rahşan ÖZCAN1
1İstanbul Üniversitesi - Cerrahpaşa Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi, İstanbul, Türkiye
2Haliç Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Yüksek Okulu, İstanbul, Türkiye
Keywords: Foreign body, aspiration, child, nurse, education, family
Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the clinical outcomes of the children aged 0-6 years manifesting foreign body aspiration, and demographic characteristics of these children and their families, and to draw attention to the importance of the subject and to show guidance in the taking measures in terms of society and family.
Material and Methods: Data for this research were obtained from the family of 93 children aged 0-6 years who were brought to the hospital due to the foreign body aspiration (FBA) in between 2010- 2012. Percentile distribution of data was analyzed by the method of Fisher’s exact test and chi-square. Questionnaire form prepared in accordance with the literature was used. Moreover, educational brochures prepared by advisor and researcher were distributed to the families at the end of the study.
Results: Most (83.9%) of the chidren were between 1-3 years old and 69.9% of them were male. While 39.8% of their mothers were between 26-30 years old and 46.2% of them were elementary school graduates. On the other hand, 38.7% of their fathers were between 26-31 years old and 43% of these families were primary school graduates. Average monthly incomes of 31.3% of their families ranged between 500-1000 Turkish liras. Most (81.7%) of the accidents occurred at home. It was determined that 89.2% of their mothers does not know anything about the first aid for FBA and 50.5% of the chidren exposed to FBA were taken to the hospital within the first 6 hours after FBA. In 44.1% of the families hit the back of their children and 37.6% of them stick their fingers into the mouth their children after FBA. It was detected that 67.7% of mothers have no information about the required measures to be taken to prevent FBA and have no knowledge of what can be done after FBA. In addition, It was determined that 59.2% of the families were hiding the legumes and nuts inappropriately which are the major risk factors for FBA and 84.9% of the admission complaints were wheezings. It was also determined that ın all patients, the foreign body was successfully removed with rigid bronchoscopy and 40.9% of the foreign body was hazelnut and peanut. Also, with the increase in the level of education, information of mothers about the measures to be taken before and applications taken after FSA increase too.
Conclusion: Nurses who have an important role in the development and protection of children’s health should warn the people who are caring 1-3 year-old children to be aware of the possibility of FBA and educate and motivate these people about first aid of FBA.