Antibiotic usage and surgical prophylaxis in pediatric urology
Mustafa Kemal ÇELEN
Dicle Üniversitesi Hastanesi, İnfeksiyon Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı
Keywords: Antibiotic, Nosocomial infection, surgery phrophilaxis
In our country, the antibiotics are one of the most commonly prescribed medications. Antibiotics are used in approximately 30% of hospitalized patients. It is availeble in 45% of patients with non-rational use.
For the the ideal use of antibiotics; the true antibiotic must be selected, they should be given by the mos appropriate way; they should be given in effective dose; should be given to the optimum range; should be used in the appropriate period; they should be initiated after accurate diagnosis. For the proper use of an antibiotic, microbiologically proven infection should be questioned.
Antibiotic use density is a measureble parameter. For the effective use of antibiotics, the accurate method is using th antibiotics in the correct indication. Antibiotic are used according to four principles as follows: empirical use, causative agent spesific use, the use depends on antibiotic susceptibility testing results, and the prophylaxis. Unfortunately, there are stil serious problems in the surgical prophylaxis.
In this article, surgical prophylaxis and the points need to be considered were uptaded. As well as the correct surgical techniquer ational antibiotic prophylaxis directly affect the outcome.