Result of Surgical Treatment of Mesenteric Cysts In Children: Single center experience
Meltem Çağlar Oskaylı, Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa
, Hüseyin Murat Mutuş
, Gonca Gerçel
, Erdem Özatman
, Burhan Aksu
, Itır Ebru Zemheri
, Hatice Şeneldir
İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Göztepe Prof. Dr. Süleyman Yalçın Şehir Hastanesi, Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul-TÜRKİYE
Keywords: Children, Mesenteric cysts, Surgery, Lymphangioma, Enteric cyst
Aim: Mesenteric cysts (MC) are rare intraabdominal benign cystic masses. They can originate form lymphatic, mesenchymal or enteric tissues. In addition, urogenital cysts, dermoid cysts and pseudocysts are classified under the same heading. MC can present at any age. This study aims to share a single institutional surgical experience on MC.
Methods: All patients treated with the diagnosis of MC between the years 2005-2017 were retrospectively evaluated.
Results: There were 17 patients with MC. The median age was 26 (15 days-10 years) months. There were 9 (53%) males and 8 (47%) females. The presenting complaints were abdominal pain (7 patients), abdominal distension (7 patients), vomiting (6 patients) and/or lower extremity edema (1 patient). There were 2 patients with antenatal diagnoses. All underwent ultrasonographic examination. In addition, a computerized tomography or a magnetic resonance scanning was done in 9 patients. A total cyst excision was performed in 14 patients. The operative procedure also included a partial gastrectomy in one patient, an ileo-colic resection and anastomosis in one, jejunal resection and anastomosis in two, and ileal resection and anastomosis in four. The remaining three patients underwent cyst aspiration and fenestration. Histopathological examination of the removed specimens was consistent with lymphangiomas (n=8), MC (4), enteric cysts (2) pseudocysts (1) and a dermoid cyst (1). No tissue sampling from the cystic wall was done in one patient. Recurrence was evident in one patient during follow-up.
Conclusion: MC are congenital anomalies. They may present at any age. The histopathological classification of MC varies. On the other hand, regardless of the subgroup type, the surgical principle is identical and consists of total excision of the cyst.
Cite as: Meltem Çağlar Oskaylı, Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa, Hüseyin Murat Mutuş, Gonca Gerçel, Erdem Özatman, Burhan Aksu, Itır Ebru Zemheri, Hatice Şeneldir. Çocuklarda mezenter kistlerinin cerrahi tedavi sonuçları: Tek merkez deneyimi. Coc Cer Derg/Turkish J Ped Surg 2022;36(2): 22-25. doi: 10.29228/JTAPS.54921