Turkish Journal of Pediatric Surgery


Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı ve Çocuk Nefrolojisi Bilim Dalı , Mersin

Keywords: Prune-Belly syndrome, abdominal wall reconstruction


The prune belly syndrome (PBS) is a complex of anomalies, consisting of abdominal wall deficiency in muscular tissue, bilateral cryptorchidism and urologic abnormalities. Various abdominoplasty techniques have been described to improve the abdominal wall deficency. Vertical median plication is a minimal invazive technique and it can be used in patients who do not require a concurrent intra-abdominal surgical procedure, but it is not popularised sufficiently. In this study, it is aimed to review the efficacy of this method, and present the results of 3 patients who underwent to operation with this technique.

We have retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 3 boys with prune belly syndrome. Bilateral orchidopexy and urinary tract reconstruction were performed in all 3 patients as a surgical procedure. The abdominal flaccidity was corrected with a plication technique in which continious prolen sutures were used of the lateral margin of the rectus muscle on both sides between the costal margin to the pubis, after closure of the abdomen.

No serious complication was encountered in the postoperative period, except temporary umblical ischemia in one patient. In all 3 patients, both the cosmetic and functional results were excellent and satisfactory to parents and surgeons. Vertical median plication in prune-belly syndrome is a simple, minimal invazive and effective technique. In spite of our limited experience, we suggest that the it will be useful to keep this technique in mind for abdominoplasty in prunebelly syndrome.