Turkish Journal of Pediatric Surgery


Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Cerrahisi, Biyokimya ve Patoloji Anabilim Dalları, Konya

Keywords: Fowler-Stephens, intraabdominal testes, Johnsen’s score


Aim: Identifying of the effects of melatonin (M) and steroid St) which prevents testicular atrophy at the surgical treatment of intraabdominal testes with the procedure of Fowler-Stephens (FS).

Material and Method: The vessels of right funiculus spermaticus (FSP) of rats, except in Sham (S) group, were ligated and cut under the kidney (KD) with intraabdominal procedure. The vessels of FSP were ligated and cut under the KD in Control (FS) group. St and M groups were injected intramuscularly with steroid at 2 mg/kg; intraperitoneally with M 17 µg/kg 30 minutes before cutting the vessels of FSP under the KD. St and M injections were continued for 7 days in seven-dose St and seven-dose M groups respectively. All tissues were examined for the levels of MDA (malondialdehyde) and JS (Johnsen’s score) after weighing them. The levels of follicule stimulam hormon (FSH), luteotrope hormon (LH), and free testosteron (FT) in blood were measured.

Results: The values of FSH were significantly higher in S group compared with One-dose M group. The levels of MDA were identified to be increased in One-dose St group compared with Seven-dose St group, to be decreased in One-dose St group compared with One-dose M group and in Seven-dose St group compared with Seven-dose M group. The values of JS in S group were higher compared with FS group.

Conclusions: One-dose and seven-dose St and M have positive effect regarding JS. MDA was identified to be decreased with seven-dose steroid. As a result M and St seem to be effective in preventing testicular atrophy and injury occurred due to FS.