Analysis of cases with intestinal obstruction due to pediatric congenital abdominal bands: Single center experience
Ahmet Atıcı, Mehmet Emin Çelikkaya
, Bülent Akçora
Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Hatay, Türkiye
Keywords: Pediatric congenital abdominal bands, intestinal obstruction, children
Objective: Intestinal obstruction due to congenital bands such as Ladd bands and ompholomesenteric duct remnant (OMDR) is known in patients who have not previously undergone abdominal surgery. However, atypical congenital bands (ACB) are extremely rarely seen causes of bowel obstruction. In this study, we aimed to examine retrospectively the patients with rarely seen pediatric congenital abdominal bands and to share the results of a single center experience.
Methods: Medical records of 204 patients who had been operated for ileus between July 2004 and November 2018 were retrospectively reviewed. Seventeen patients without any history of abdominal surgery and operated for congenital abdominal band were included in the study.
Results: Ten male and 7 female patients with a median age of 3,2 years (0.1-15) were included in the study. Patients had Ladd bands due to malrotation (n=9; 53%), OMDR (n=5; 29%), and ACB (n=3; 18%). Sixty percent (n=3) of the patients with OMDR required bowel resection (30-40-65 cm). Band excision was sufficient in all of the patients with Ladd bands and ACB, and bowel resection was not required. All patients were discharged with full recovery.
Conclusion: Pediatric congenital bands are found in a spectrum of diseases with different etiologies. In the differential diagnosis for ileus patiens who had not previously undergone abdominal surgery, Ladd bands due to malrotation and ACB together with OMDR should be kept in mind.
Atıf vermek için: Atıcı A, Çelikkaya ME, Akçora B. Konjenital abdominal bantlara bağlı intestinal obstrüksiyon gelişen pediatrik olguların analizi. Tek merkez deneyimi. Çoc. Cer. Derg. 2019;33(3):112-7.