Epigastric heteropagus twin with omphalocele: A rare anomaly
Mehmet Hanifi Okur, İbrahim Uygun, Selçuk Otçu, Mesut Sığa
Dicle Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Diyarbakır
Keywords: Epigastric heteropagus, omphalocele, conjoined twins
Conjoined twins are classified as symmetrical or asymmetrical, with heteropagus being known as the asymmetrical form. Heteropagus twins are an extremely unusual condition. One twin of the pair exhibits severe defects and is referred to as a parasite. There are few reports in the English language literature related with this anomaly. We herein report the successful separation of a pair of epigastric heteropagus twins with an omphalocele.
Heteropagus twins are extremely unusual. Use of modern diagnostics methods enhances the development of an surgical techniques for the separation of conjoined twins.