Index of Keywords
Keyword | Pages |
newborn | 052 |
necrotizing enterocolitis | 052 |
iloprost | 052 |
yenidoğan | 052 |
nekrotizan enterokolit | 052 |
procalcitonin | 058 |
nec | 058 |
intestinal ischemia | 058 |
prokalsitonin | 058 |
nek | 058 |
intestinal iskemi | 058 |
the annual meetings of turkish association of pediatric surgeons | 063 |
ischemia-reperfusion injury | 063 |
papers | 063 |
experimental study | 063, 070 |
clinical trial | 063 |
pubmed | 063 |
ulusal çocuk cerrahisi kongresi | 063 |
iskemi-reperfüzyon hasarı | 063 |
bildiri | 063 |
deneysel çalışma | 063, 070 |
klinik çalışma | 063 |
pediatric surgery | 070, 074 |
congress | 070 |
çocuk cerrahisi | 070, 074 |
kongre | 070 |
experimental studies | 074 |
turkey | 074 |
deneysel araştırmalar | 074 |
türkiye | 074 |
child | 078, 085 |
corrosive material | 078 |
diagnostic endoscopy | 078 |
çocuk | 078, 085 |
korroziv madde | 078 |
tanısal endoskopi | 078 |
choriocarcinoma | 081 |
ovary | 081, 085 |
koryokarsinom | 081 |
over | 081, 085 |
sclerosing stromal tumor | 085 |
ca-125 | 085 |
benign | 085 |
sklerozan stromal tümör | 085 |
selim | 085 |
dialysis | 089 |
ovarian artery | 089 |
hemorrhage | 089 |
diyaliz | 089 |
over arteri | 089 |
kanama | 089 |
ilioinguinal | 094 |
iliohypogastric | 094 |
nerve block | 094 |
complıcatıon | 094 |
childhood | 094 |
ilioinguinal/iliohipogastrik | 094 |
sinir bloğu | 094 |
komplikasyon | 094 |
çocukluk çağı | 094 |