Turkish Journal of Pediatric Surgery

A Rare Complication of Vesicoamniotic Shunt Dislodgement in a Newborn With Fetal Obstructive Uropathy; Protruding Mesenteric Mass

Bilge Türedi Sezer, Mehmet Uğur Yılmaz, Fatih Çelik, Mehmet Emin Balkan, Nizamettin Kılıç

DOI: 10.29228/JTAPS.66601

Issue: 2023, Volume 37 - Issue 2
0 202

A Prospective Study: Can physical examination identify palpable undescended testes more accurately than ultrasonography?

Mustafa Akman

DOI: 10.29228/JTAPS.62854

Issue: 2022, Volume 36 - Issue 3
0 208

Retrospective Evaluation of Ultrasound Guided 525 Permanent Tunneled Catheter Placement Procedure in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Patients

Mustafa Okumuş, Utku Alkara, Hakan Sarbay, Avni Atay, Barış Malbora

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2021.16023

Issue: 2021, Volume 35 - Issue 3
0 269

Twenty Years of Experience in Management of Intussusception: Saline Enema Reduction with Ultrasound Guidance

Saied Aslanabadi, Davoud Badebarin, Nazila Hasanzadeh Ghavifekr, Sina Aslanabadi, Sina Zarrintan, Amir Hossein Ladan, Ebrahim Farhadi

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2021.90582

Issue: 2021, Volume 35 - Issue 3
0 183

Surgical treatment of pediatric ureteropelvic junction obstruction: A single center experience

Sabri Cansaran, Ayşenur Celayir, Oktav Bosnalı, Osman Zeki Pektaş

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2019.91069

Issue: 2019, Volume 33 - Issue 2
0 164

The effect of radiologist’s experience on the measurement of appendix diameter in children with acute appendicitis

Ufuk Ateş+, Anar Gurbanov, Ergun Ergün, Gülnur Gollu, Nil Yaşam Taştekin, Meltem Bingöl Koloğlu, Aydın Yağmurlu, Ahmet Murat Çakmak, Hüseyin Dindar

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2019.98360

Issue: 2019, Volume 33 - Issue 1
0 305

Intussusception: A rural university hospital experience


DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2017.1006

Issue: 2017, Volume 31 - Issue Ek-1
0 281

Opinions of the pediatric surgery specialists in Turkey on ultrasonography (USG) training


DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2017.055

Issue: 2017, Volume 31 - Issue 2
0 158

Postnatal radiological evaluation of antenatal hydronephrosis

Ali Tekin, İbrahim Ulman

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2016.043

Issue: 2016, Volume 30 - Issue Ek 2
0 237

The rapeutic approach to children with antenatal hydronephrosis and long-term follow up of severe obstructive hydronephrosis

Zübeyde GÜNDÜZ

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2016.048

Issue: 2016, Volume 30 - Issue Ek 2
0 611

A case of mediastinal mature teratoma and difficulties in the differential diagnosis of mediastinal masses

Halil Tözüm, Talha Doğruyol, Tahir Şevval Eren, Serkan Şenol

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2013.057

Issue: 2013, Volume 27 - Issue 2-3
0 239

Sonographic diagnosis of testicular rupture: Case Report

Neslihan TAŞDELEN , Bengi GÜRSES , Özgür KILIÇKESMEZ , Yüksel IŞIK , A. Nevzat GÜRMEN , Selami SÖZÜBİR

Issue: 2010, Volume 24 - Issue 1
0 239

Associated Anomalies in Surgical Newborns

Ali SAYAN, Ahmet ARIKAN, Sefer Tolga OKAY, Fadime Nurdan ŞİMŞEK, Ümit BAYOL, Habibe Nurdan ÖZER, Mehmet CAN

Issue: 2008, Volume 22 - Issue 3
0 135

Testicular volume and resistive index measurements of boys with undescended testis within the first year of life


Issue: 2008, Volume 22 - Issue 2
0 158