Turkish Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Intestinal system bezoars: 10 Years of experiences

Neslihan Gülçin, Deniz Uğurlu, Sinem Aydöner, Gürkan Erkoç, Ali İhsan Anadolulu(0000-0002-9742930X), Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa

DOI: 10.29228/JTAPS.63932

Issue: 2022, Volume 36 - Issue 3
0 204

A Rare Cause of Cecal Obstruction: Enteric duplication cyst

Ahmet Hikmet Şahin

Issue: 2022, Volume 36 - Issue 1
0 191

Graft Infections After Abdominal Closure With Polytetrafleuroethylene Graft in Neonates

Bilge Gördü, Tutku Soyer, Ozlem Boybeyi Turer(0000-0002-0465-7793 ), Feridun Tanyel

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2021.50469

Issue: 2021, Volume 35 - Issue 3
0 155

Results of the Surgical Treatment in Children with Hirschprung Disease: A 12-Year Experience

Ceren Cesur, Ayşenur Celayir

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2021.49092

Issue: 2021, Volume 35 - Issue 2
0 720

Congenital Bronchobiliary Fistula in Association with Multiple Other Congenital Anomalies: Case Report

Mirzaman Hüseynov, Ali Ekber Hakalmaz

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2021.82712

Issue: 2021, Volume 35 - Issue 1
0 155

Comparison of two different surgical methods in the treatment of congenital duodenal obstructions

İrem İnanç, Ümit Nusret Başaran, Dinçer Avlan

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2020.46548

Issue: 2020, Volume 34 - Issue 2
0 265

Iatrogenic anemia hypovolemia and blood and blood product transfusion requirement with phlebotomy in surgical newborns

Olga Devrim Ayvaz( 0000-0002-4465-0975), Ayşenur Celayir

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2020.37790

Issue: 2020, Volume 34 - Issue 1
0 147

Safe and effective technique in newborn tongue-tie: Frenotomy

Mehmet Ali Özen, Egemen Eroğlu

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2019.89106

Issue: 2019, Volume 33 - Issue 3
0 184

What has changed in the abdominal anterior wall defects in newborns? 20 years of experience of a tertiary reference hospital

Mehmet Saraç, Tugay Tartar, Ünal Bakal, Mustafa Aydın, Ahmet Kazez

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2019.71135

Issue: 2019, Volume 33 - Issue 1
0 149

Midgut volvulus not associated with malrotation: Case presentation and literature review


DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2018.111

Issue: 2018, Volume 32 - Issue 3
0 201

Gastrointestinal duplication cysts in children

Mehmet SARAÇ, Ünal BAKAL(0000-0002-5140-861), Tugay TARTAR, Ahmet KAZEZ

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2018.023

Issue: 2018, Volume 32 - Issue 1
0 185

Surgical approach to a newborn with esophageal, duodenal and anal atresia

İrem İnanç, Oğuz Kızılkaya, Ümit Nusret Başaran, Dinçer Avlan

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2018.050

Issue: 2018, Volume 32 - Issue 1
0 318

Minimally invasive surgery in neonates


DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2016.165

Issue: 2016, Volume 30 - Issue Ek 3
0 163

Gastroesophageal reflux surgery in newborns, and infants


DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2016.181

Issue: 2016, Volume 30 - Issue Ek 3
0 179

The expected problems, and their outcomes in very low birth weight prematures

Ayşenur Cerrah Celayir

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2015.014

Issue: 2015, Volume 29 - Issue 1
0 240

Treatment of large ovarian cysts in newborns and the effectiveness of laparoscopic approach

Egemen Eroğlu, Gökhan Gündoğdu

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2015.067

Issue: 2015, Volume 29 - Issue 2
0 281

How do pediatric surgeons approach to newborn circumcision?

Egemen Eroğlu

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2012.080

Issue: 2012, Volume 26 - Issue 1-2
0 244

The role of asymmetrical dimethylarginine in the rat sepsis model

İbrahim Uygun , Mustafa Deniz , Özlem Unay Demirel , Halil Tuğtepe , Serdar Hilmi İskit , Türkan Yurdun , Serpil Bilsel , Tolga Emrullah Dağlı

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2010.126

Issue: 2010, Volume 24 - Issue 3
0 141

A very rare cause for neonatal methemoglobinemia: Enteral methylene blue

Ahmet Baş, Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa, Ali İhsan Anadolulu, Meltem Çağlar, Hüseyin Murat Mutuş, Hamit Okur

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2010.135

Issue: 2010, Volume 24 - Issue 3
0 245

Effects of iloprost, a stable prostacyclin analog on expe- rimental neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis model

Abdulkerim TEMİZ, Tansu SALMAN, Yersu KAPRAN, Nezahat GÜRLER, Hüseyin ÖZBEY, Alaattin ÇELİK

Issue: 2009, Volume 23 - Issue 2
0 143