Turkish Journal of Pediatric Surgery

How Did The Covid-19 Pandemic Affected Children Acute Appendicitis?

Çetin Aydın, Fatih Çelik

DOI: 10.29228/JTAPS.68220

Issue: 2023, Volume 37 - Issue 2
0 215

What is World Pediatric Surgeons’ Opinion on EMLA® Cream Induced Local Anaesthesia in Circumcision?

Mustafa Akman

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2021.70845

Issue: 2021, Volume 35 - Issue 3
0 208

In memory of our senior Prof. Akgün Hiçsönmez

Mustafa Melikoğlu

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2019.80269

Issue: 2019, Volume 33 - Issue 3
0 266

Evaluation of antibiotic and surgical treatment results in children with acute appendicitis

Musa Abeş, Hasan Öğünç Apaydın, Mehmet Şirik, Burçin Pehlivanoğlu, Fatih Üçkardeş

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2019.17363

Issue: 2019, Volume 33 - Issue 2
0 266

The effect of radiologist’s experience on the measurement of appendix diameter in children with acute appendicitis

Ufuk Ateş+, Anar Gurbanov, Ergun Ergün, Gülnur Gollu, Nil Yaşam Taştekin, Meltem Bingöl Koloğlu, Aydın Yağmurlu, Ahmet Murat Çakmak, Hüseyin Dindar

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2019.98360

Issue: 2019, Volume 33 - Issue 1
0 305

Basic Educational Activities of Turkish Association of Pediatric Surgeons: 10 years survey

Tutku Soyer, Cem Boneval, Ahmet Çelİk, Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa, Cüneyt Günşar, Ayşe Karaman, Abdulkerim Temiz

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2017.081

Issue: 2017, Volume 31 - Issue 3
0 178

Opinions of the pediatric surgery specialists in Turkey on ultrasonography (USG) training


DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2017.055

Issue: 2017, Volume 31 - Issue 2
0 158

Journal of the Turkish Association of Pediatric Surgeons: at the beginning of the 30th year


DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2016.001

Issue: 2016, Volume 30 - Issue 1
0 169

Primary lymphoma of the appendix: A rare case

Sevgi Büyükbeşe Sarsu, Kamil Şahin, Ramazan Uçak, Fatma Saraç

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2014.071

Issue: 2014, Volume 28 - Issue 3
0 188

Medical school fifth -year students’ opinions about pediatric surgery internship: The evaluation of feedback surveys and exam success rates

Şenol Emre, Haluk Emir, Sinan Celayir

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2013.049

Issue: 2013, Volume 27 - Issue 2-3
0 196

Pediatric surgeons working outside the teaching hospitals

Ayşe Ebru Abalı, İbrahim Akkoyun, Yaşar Ergören, Münevver Hoşgör, Sema İskit, Ertunç Karadağ, Ali Osman Katrancı, Ahmet Kazez, Burak Tander, Nevzat Uçaner, Ebru Yeşildağ, S.N Cenk Büyükünal

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2011.001

Issue: 2011, Volume 25 - Issue 2-3
0 157

The prevalance of enuresis nocturna among 6-10 year-old primary school children in Kırıkkale

Tutku Soyer , Özlem Boybeyi , Mustafa Kemal Aslan , Gül Durmuş , Zeynep Aytül Çakmak , Cüneyt Ensari

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2011.051

Issue: 2011, Volume 25 - Issue 2-3
0 145

A review of ischemia-reperfusion injury studies presented at the annual meetings of Turkish association of pediatric surgeons


Issue: 2009, Volume 23 - Issue 2
0 156

Working conditions, workforce and workload of pediatric surgeons in Türkiye

Mete Kaya

DOI: 10.62114/JTAPS.2023.73646

Issue: 2023, Volume 37 - Issue 3
1334 386

Is it possible to predict appendicitis caused by Enterobius vermicularis before surgery?

Abdurrahman Sarmis, Hatice Seneldir, Ali Ihsan Anadolulu

DOI: 10.62114/JTAPS.2024.6

Issue: 2024, Volume 38 - Issue 1
455 275

Intussusception survey about practices among Turkish pediatric surgeons

Kıvılcım Karadeniz Cerit, Özge Kılıç Bayar

DOI: 10.62114/JTAPS.2024.66

Issue: 2024, Volume 38 - Issue 3
103 133