Turkish Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Respiratory System Problems of Children with Operated Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula

Dilber Ademhan Tural, Halime Nayır Büyükşahin, Ebru Güneş Yalçın, Tutku Soyer, Beste Ozsezen, İsmail Guzelkas, Birce Sunman, Nagehan Emiralioğlu, Deniz Dogru, Uğur Özçelik, Nural Kiper

DOI: 10.29228/JTAPS.53857

Issue: 2022, Volume 36 - Issue 1
0 206

What is World Pediatric Surgeons’ Opinion on EMLA® Cream Induced Local Anaesthesia in Circumcision?

Mustafa Akman

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2021.70845

Issue: 2021, Volume 35 - Issue 3
0 209

Does the use of diapers have an effect on complications of circumcision?

Mehmet Demir, Hüseyin Eren

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2020.91328

Issue: 2020, Volume 34 - Issue 2
0 172

Should wound dressing be performed after circumcision?

Mirzaman Hüseynov, Vusal Cafarov, Ali Ekber Hakalmaz

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2020.80148

Issue: 2020, Volume 34 - Issue 1
0 269

Rapid circumcision: An epidemiological and technical research

Ali Erdal Karakaya, Ahmet Gökhan Güler, Ahmet Burak Doğan

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2017.108

Issue: 2017, Volume 31 - Issue 3
0 215

A study on the benefits of studying the relationship between pediatric surgery, and history of medicine


DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2017.059

Issue: 2017, Volume 31 - Issue 2
0 168

An alternative method to cope with increasing demand for circumcision in summer: Circumcision with plastic clamp

Ahmet Atıcı, Sinan Kılıç

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2017.005

Issue: 2017, Volume 31 - Issue 1
0 167

Minimally invasive approach in pediatric urolithiasis

Abdurrahman ÖNEN

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2016.156

Issue: 2016, Volume 30 - Issue Ek 2
0 154

Circumcision and its historical and social aspects in Turkey

S.N. Cenk Büyükünal

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2015.104

Issue: 2015, Volume 29 - Issue 3
0 199

A study reflecting experiences, observations regarding the problems and complications and drawn lessons regarding the bladder augmentations in an educational clinic

Emil Mammadov, Rahşan Özcan, Şenol Emre, Mehmet Eliçevik, Güner Kaya, Çiğdem Tütüncü, Pınar Kendigelen, Sergülen Dervişoğlu, Yunus Söylet, Nur Danişmend, Haluk Emir, S. N. Cenk Büyükünal

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2014.081

Issue: 2014, Volume 28 - Issue 3
0 228

How do pediatric surgeons approach to newborn circumcision?

Egemen Eroğlu

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2012.080

Issue: 2012, Volume 26 - Issue 1-2
0 244

Comparison of the results of two different circumcision techniques: Surgical technique vs. a novel plastic clamp technique

Elif Emel Erten, Ayşe Karaman, İbrahim Karaman, Engin Yılmaz, Çağatay Evrim Afşarlar, Ahmet Ertürk, Meryem Anayurt, İsmet Faruk Özgüner, Yusuf Hakan Çavuşoğlu, Derya Erdoğan

DOI: 10.5222/JTAPS.2011.047

Issue: 2011, Volume 25 - Issue 2-3
0 232

Should circumcision during the summer months be a nightmare for pediatric surgeons? The views and practice of a pediatric surgeon working at a state hospital

Erdal TÜRK

Issue: 2010, Volume 24 - Issue 2
0 207

How much is pediatric surgery known in a city at southeast of Turkey?

Bahattin AYDOĞDU

Issue: 2009, Volume 23 - Issue 3
0 148

Secondary anal operations for operated patients with anal atresia


Issue: 2009, Volume 23 - Issue 3
0 190

Meatal stenosis and penile adhesions after neonatal circumcision


Issue: 2008, Volume 22 - Issue 2
0 242

Analgesic efficacy of using topical anesthetic before dorsal penile nerve block in infant circumcision: A randomized-controlled study

İsmail Emre Ergin, Abuzer Öztürk, Aydemir Asdemir, Hüseyin Saygın

DOI: 10.62114/JTAPS.2024.53

Issue: 2024, Volume 38 - Issue 3
175 169

Postoperative outcomes in symptomatic pediatric patients with congenital pulmonary airway malformations

Ayse Parlak, Arif Nuri Gurpinar

DOI: 10.62114/JTAPS.2024.70

Issue: 2024, Volume 38 - Issue 3
120 128

Can a frenuloplasty performed during circumcision lead to meatal stenosis?

Şenay Kurtuluş

DOI: 10.62114/JTAPS.2024.63

Issue: 2024, Volume 38 - Issue 3
114 161

Pain management and complications in children undergoing surgical treatment for childhood cancers: A systematic literature review

Seda Ardahan Sevgili, Figen Yardımcı

DOI: 10.62114/JTAPS.2024.82

Issue: 2024, Volume 38 - Issue 3
123 146